#Chemnobel Family Tree

I am a glutton for punishment, so I have decided to compose a new chemistry twitter tree. This tree specifically links chemistry Nobel Laureates with twitter users.


There is plenty of space left on the tree. Are you linked to a laureate? If so, how? If you want to be added to the tree, post your connection in the comments section or tweet me. If you need help, then use this Academic Tree as a starting point.

If you spot any errors, do let me know.

Academic Family Tree III

I thought I would post a more updated #chemistrytwittertree since it  has recently been mentioned in the Nature Chemistry blogroll. This is by no means the final tree so feel tree to offer suggestions on how to make it even bigger and better.

If you aren’t on the tree but can spot a way on, then email me (theorganicsolutionblog at gmail dot com), tweet me or leave the info in the comments section. If you want to find out more about your own academic timeline then academictree.org is a great starting point. Also, if you spot any errors in the tree then please do let me know.

family tree 13-10-13

My academic family II

This is what I have so far….

family tree-3.0-7

Please let me know if you have worked with or for any of these people so I can add you to the tree. I hope that one day the tree is huge!

When I have filled in as much as I can I am hoping to re-do the tree with circular hubs for very popular people e.g Stoddart. Watch this space!

If you have any questions or additions/subtractions then email me at theorganicsolutionblog at gmail dot com or tweet me @jessthechemist. If you are on there but I haven’t managed to connect you to more than one person due to “artistic” constraints then let me know anyway and I might be able to fit you on my re-do.

Here is another example using NodeXL. It is prettier but some twitter handles/names are a little hidden.

familytree new

If you feel like making your own academic family tree then do share the link here or on twitter using the hashtag #chemistrytwittertree. I can’t wait to see what you all come up with.

My academic family

A short blog post….

I realised today that @KarlDCollins, who blogs at A Retrosynthetic Life, and I have an academic connection: his PhD supervisor (Procter), was my 1st postdoc supervisor’s (Rayner) PhD student. It then came to my attention that @_byronmiller, who blogs at Behind NMR Lines, was in the same lab as Karl for his Masters degree project.

This got me to wondering: what other academic connections do I have out there with my blog followers and tweeps?

Feel free to email me at theorganicsolutionblog at gmail dot com or leave a comment below!

P.S Apart from twitter folk, I have a connection to a Nobel Prize winning chemist, which is almost like me winning one, right? George Olah was my PhD supervisor’s (Sandford) postdoc boss over in the US of A.