#Realtimechem Week – Join us!

#Realtimechem week is nearly upon us (week beginning 22nd April) and so I thought I would invoke a call to arms as such.

Jay (@Doctorgalactic) and I have decided to blog (almost) everyday during #Realtimechem week. I will be attending a computational chemistry course for two of the days and will be in the lab or writing for the rest of the week. At the computational course I will also be meeting some chemistry tweeps that I have never had the pleasure of meeting before, which will add an extra level of excitement.

Do you blog? Do you want to blog but haven’t got around to it yet? Why not start now! It would be great if we could have a #realtimechem blog carnival (#Realtimechemcarnival?). I know that some people don’t have time to blog every day but it would be amazing if we could get as many people as possible blogging on and off during the week. I will try to keep up with all the blog posts and do a daily roundup and I will also do a complete blog roundup at the end of the week. Please consider joining us. The more the merrier!

For further information on #realtimechem week, head over to Doctor Galactic’s place .  If you want to help out, then get in contact with me or him through our blogs or twitter.

My hope is that #Realtimechem week is even better than #realtimechem day. Come on guys, let’s make it the most marvellous week ever!

P.S Jay has now added a #Realtimechem FAQ. It is well worth a read.


6 thoughts on “#Realtimechem Week – Join us!

  1. So if I understand correctly, the point is to blog (and tweet those posts under the associated hashtag) about all we do in our research during those days? It sounds like fun but I’d like to understand better what it really is.

    • The idea is that you tweet whatever chemistry you get up to during that week whether it be research, writing, reading etc and when you do you use the #realtimechem hashtag. The FAQ link at the bottom of the page should have *most* of the info required. Does that help? Feel free to ask whatever Qs you may have 🙂

  2. Pingback: RealTimeChem week 2013 #RealTimeChem | Dr. Joaquin Barroso's Blog

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